Sunday, April 14, 2013

How to Talk like Blonde Bitch

One random sunny afternoon, i got to see this trending post by a friend in Facebook. The title struck me by surprise: BLONDE BITCH TALK. I mean, wow. How uncommon it is to hear some chicks talking like legit blondes. Not that i have anything against blondes, they're hot. 

The video features two ladies (or so i think) talking about stuffs using the funniest Blonde Bitch Impression I've ever heard. And i know it's just an impression coz they're not really blondes.Plus the malunggay on the table made the stint "oh-so: classy! Oh well, just to brief you out, they sound like those "maarte" rich girls in teenage movies who doesn't care about anything but Chanel shoes and Prada bags. 

It was so funny coz sometimes me and my friends talk like this unconsciously. Words cannot describe how overwhelmed i am with this video. Why don't see it for yourself then? Here it is:

Well, i surely had fun with all that talk. Whoever that Sasha and Ai is, I absolutely want to meet them.


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